Rolls Royce India Pvt. Ltd. Scholarship : New scholarship for students. If you apply, you will get one-time thirty five thousand taka. Students are interested in studying in professional courses but cannot afford the cost of professional courses due to lack of financial status of the family, so students from poor families do not study in professional courses even if they have talent and desire.
Name of Scholarship: The scholarship that will be provided by Rolls-Royce India Pvt Ltd Company is ‘Unnati Scholarship’ (Rolls Royce Unnati Scholarship 2023). Rolls Royce
Scholarship Amount: One time scholarship of Tk 35,000 is provided to selected female students. These students will also have the opportunity to be mentored by female engineers at Rolls-Royce.
Selection Process: A shortlist of students for this scholarship is made based on merit, academic score and family income. And applicants from that shortlist are interviewed through telephone. If the number of applicants is high, the candidates will be called for personal interview and the eligible candidates will be awarded the scholarship for professional studies.
Who can apply?
- Students must have secured sixty percent marks in 10th and 10+2 level to apply for the scholarship.
- Applicant must be studying in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year in any branch of engineering in an educational institution recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
- Only female students can apply for this scholarship.
How to apply ?
- Students who wish to apply for the Rolls Royce Unnati Scholarship first go to the website homepage and go to Apply Now.
Click here for Official Website for Online Application :
- Register with valid email id. If the registration process is successful, click on Start Application on the new page that will open on your device screen and the online application form will open.
Rolls Royce India Pvt. Ltd. Scholarship Required Documents: Applicants must carry the following documents while applying for the Rolls Royce Scholarship.
Applicant’s photo ID.
Self-attested Marksheet of 10th.
Self-attested Marksheet of 10+2.
Permanent Resident Certificate.
Receipt copy of admission to new course.
Annual income certificate of the family.
Xerox of first page of bank passbook containing account details.
Application Deadline : Rolls Royce Unnati Scholarship application deadline is August, 2023. Interested candidates apply early before the last date.