DRDO Recruitment 2023 :- Training is being offered by Naval Science and Technology Department of Indian Army. Not only free training but also monthly stipend will be given during the training. If you complete the training then you will get priority in Indian army jobs. Any citizen of India i.e. job aspirants of any district of West Bengal can apply for these posts. Educational qualification, monthly allowance, application procedure and other detailed information is included in today’s report.
Employment No.- NSTL/APPRENTICESHIP/01/2023
Click here for Official Notification : – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fegYDOUPmMgsd-WXQpMXKOdrKnKS2A-z/view?usp=sharing
Name of the Training – Apprenticeship training to Graduate/Diploma/ITI candidates
Total Vacancy : – 62.
The trades in which this training will be given are : – Graduate Apprentice, Diploma Apprentice এবং ITI Trade Apprentice
Educational Qualification (Educational Qualification) : –
- In the case of Graduate Apprentice, Mechanical, Naval Architecture, Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Electronics & Instrumentation Electrical & Electronics Graduate Engineering candidates can apply.
- In the case of Diploma Apprentice, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation, Commercial and Computer, Practice Mechanical Diploma Engineering candidates can apply.
- In the case of ITI Trade Apprentice, ITI pass job seekers can apply for CNC Operator, Computer Operator & Programming, Assistant (COPA), Electrician, Welder (Gas & Electric), Turner, Fitter, Mechanist etc. trades.
Age Limit – To apply for this training, the age of the applicant should be between 15 to 24 years.
Training period (Training period) : – 1 year.
Stipend : –
- 9000/- to Graduate Apprentice during training.
- Diploma Apprentice will be given a stipend of Rs.8000/-.
- No specific amount has been mentioned for ITI Trade Apprentices.
Application Procedure : – You can apply online. The application form accompanying the notification should be filled accurately and sent to this email id admin.dept.nstl@gov.in.

Last Date of Application : – Within 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement.
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